An Analysis Of Elie Wiesel's 'Night'

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Elie’s experiences within Auschwitz turned him into his own fear. Elie feared many different parts of his experiences at the concentration camp, but the fear of mistreating the only thing he had left in life, his father, was something that left Elie truly broken. The examples used previously demonstrate that Auschwitz did more than just make Elie see a son kill his own father for bread, it did more than just make Elie see people abandon each other (e.g. when Meir abandoned his father), it did more than just make Elie want to never find his father again, it did more than just make Elie see his own father die, and it did more than just make Elie selfish and cruel (e.i. when Elie grudgingly shared his meal with his dying father); his experiences

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