An Analysis Of Humanity In 'To Kill A Mockingbird' By William Golding

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The image of humanity that William Golding sheds to light in his novel is a dark one; however, it is the only true one. Golding believed that deep down all people are evil, only when allowed to be evil will the truth of that person's insides will show the evil that resides within them. An example of this definition of humanity is seen in the way the boys on the island quickly became obsessed with killing a pig. They had a chant of “ Kill the, cut her throat. Spill her blood” (Golding 69). This quote shows what Goldings true view is on the human race. His opinion is exactly opposite of Harper Lee’s in To Kill a Mockingbird. Lee believes that all people are good deep down despite the teachings of the immoral society they are in. Golding is