An Analysis Of Lyman Beecher's Manifest Destiny Of America

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Lyman Beecher’s was a Presbyterian minister in the 1800s. Beecher strongly believed in the Manifest Destiny of America. Beecher resided in Connecticut and was the pastor of the Congregational Church of Litchfield. He was a strong advocate of West World Expansion and cultural imperialism. He was also strongly convinced that the millennium would begin in America. For him the fate of the world was set in the west. Beecher wanted one cultural domination, everyone following the same cultural values. For Beecher, America was blessed for a sole purpose and had a special destiny to fulfill. He believed this promise would be fulfilled in the west. The west was the “holy land” to say, it was the land of the promise. Once he heard the tales of travelers going to the west land, he decided to move his family to Cincinnati. He decided to take in on himself to go and be the leader of the west or more like the leader of the west Presbyterians. He was sure that by going to the west and spreading Presbyterianism he would win the west. What he wasn’t ready for was what he would find in the west. …show more content…

Which was concerning to Beecher especially because he believed that gods promise would only be fulfilled of Presbyterianism gained as much influence and popularity there as it had done in the west. Christians who did not believe in the trinity, such as Catholics didn’t belong in the promise land. Beecher became president of Lane Theological Seminary. He dedicated his time to in creating organizations that were dedicated to a social reform and the spread of Christianity. He began to call all Christians of every denomination to come together to reform the nation. He believed by doing this and uniting all Christians they could fulfill the promise of the holy land and get rid of the

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