An Analysis Of Nathanael Johnson's Journey As A Vegetarian

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I have recently begun a new journey as a vegan, it’s still fairly new and I’m still trying to understand if it’s the right choice for a healthy lifestyle. Nathanael Johnson has been researching answers to questions I’ve often wondered myself. Although Nathanael is a meat eater, he only researched this topic to see if a serious philosophical study would be able to defend against carnivores. If meat is an important part of the human diet. Whether it’s considered a necessary need for nutrients, or to go on this journey that more and more people are considering; becoming vegan or vegetarians. The difference between vegan and vegetarian is that vegans don’t consume anything containing animal products such as dairy, eggs, honey, meat and fish. …show more content…

Grandin, a woman he interviewed, stated her view on why Americans eat meat. “We’ve gotta give animals a life worth living,”(Grandin). Throughout the interviews, Johnson was told the same thing from multiple people. To follow up on their argument, most Americans just eat meat in general because it has always been advertised. Nathanael Johnson felt this wasn’t enough evidence to speak up for the meat industry. I agree strongly that this isn’t enough evidence because you can easily defend against this argument. Animals are living things just as us humans are. The animals need freedom to roam and not to be cooped up on an overly populated farm with very little space for each …show more content…

The same goes for the eggs in any supermarket, unless they advertise organic. Farmers have now stopped feeding animals whole foods, like grass and vegetables. To feed more than half the animals in America on corn. Allowing the animals to bulk up at faster rates, and making every chicken breast, legs, or wings to look exactly the same. So that carnivores can consume more amounts of meat eaten in a week. The meat in highest demand in America is chicken. To keep up with these demands, farmers have gone to any means possible to keep their buyers happy. With that in mind, farmers don’t care about the living conditions of their animals. Their animals only look like dollar signs in their

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