An Analysis Of Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

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Within Chapter 5 of Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian the main focus is on Juniour realizing he has to leave to find more hope. Firstly, Juniour gets suspended for hitting Mr.P with a book unintentionally. Secondly, a week into the suspension, Mr. P comes for a visit and although what junior did wasn't very pleasant, he forgave juniour anyway. After listening to Mr. P speak about him and his sister, Juniour begins to think about his sister Mary hiding in the basement and his dad sitting alone in his room watching tv. He then begins to realize his family is depressed. Furthermore, Mr. P makes juniour realize that he has to leave the reservation, by telling him to take his hope and go somewhere else off the reservation.