
An Analysis Of The Courtroom In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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The courtroom in “To Kill a Mockingbird” symbolizes the displeasure close-minded people can experience from having their social norms that they’re so used to broken. Mayella Ewell broke a, “ . . . rigid and time honored code of our society . . . .” (Lee 231) by accusing Tom Robinson of rape. As laws of segregation were still securely in place back when the story was set, this time-honored social norm being broken caused a lot of displeasure and racism in Maycomb. When the trial began, people believed Tom to be guilty, but Atticus quickly proved his innocence. Even though Tom’s innocence was proven, the jury still found him guilty all because of Tom’s race. The courtroom was supposed to bring justice, but it just proved how close-minded people
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