An Analysis Of Tommingway's Essay '

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LITERARY LUMINARY Your job is to choose 4 paragraphs or key sentences from the book to discuss with your group. Your purpose is to help other students by highlighting something interesting, powerful, puzzling, symbolic or important from the text. You will read your selections aloud focusing on expression. Include your reasons and interpretations of the paragraphs or key sentences you selected. Please record the page and paragraph number so your group can easily locate your selections. Your job is also to keep the discussion going, to make sure there are no breaks in the conversation. *Don’t forget to get someone to evaluate your reading of the passages.* 1. Page #84 Paragraph #5 Passage: “Tom’s face glowed red in embarrassment. He …show more content…

Page #126 Paragraph #2 Passage: “Tom could feel the excitement; this was it. Captain Lashbrooke had said they were marching north on Batoche to confront the enemy in battle. Even his bugle was lively this morning. It leaped in his hands, singing the assembly call. G company men threw the last pieces of baggage on the wagons and ran to form ranks.” Interpretation of the passage: I found this passage important from the text because I can infer this is Tom's chance to pursue his dreams of working for the military. All the preparation the Canadian militia has made will be used to fight in Batoche, the most important battle of the North-West Rebellion and a major factor in Canadian …show more content…

☐ Able to thoroughly interpret and explain the underlying meaning of the selected passages or key sentences. Peer Evaluator: Henna Patel Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Oral Expression ☐ Rarely communicates using appropriate expression and tone to engage their audience. ☐ Sometimes communicates using appropriate expression and tone to engage their audience. ☐ Is able to communicate using appropriate expression and tone to engage their audience. ☐ Effectively communicates using appropriate expression and tone to engage their audience. Justification of Level: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ POST DISCUSSION ANALYSIS Now that you have met with your group and discussed these passages or key sentences, summarize the group’s discussions. Did the group come to any new understandings about a character(s), event(s), theme(s), or perspective(s) in the novel? Were the members of your group able to see your