An Apologist's Evening Prayer By Cs Lewis Essay

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Throughout time, many poets have written and publish great works of art; however, an even greater number of mediocre and poor quality poetry has been written. One of these average poets is C. S. Lewis. Although his poetry does not stand out in an amazing way, readers will notice the heartfelt and powerful emotion written into his poetry. One of his works of poetry, “An Apologist’s Evening Prayer”, tells the story of his struggles with the debates and the tension put on him. C. S. Lewis likely was one of the greatest debaters of his era and possibly one of the greats of history; however, the constant questions thrown at him may have caused him to doubt his faith. This poem could have been a way to help cope with the doubts. Starting his poem, Lewis takes a moment to reflect on his career as debater. He writes of his great many victories, he seemed to win. For a length of time, C. S. Lewis could not be out debated by any who would try to oppose him. This streak of wins came to a close when he debated Elizabeth Anscombe discussing the third chapter of his book Miracles. This loss seams to demoralize Lewis causing him to turn exclusively to writing children’s literature. This loss caused him to …show more content…

Lewis writes about how he was able to defend the attacks of others against his faith in God. With all this, Lewis still seems to be fighting doubts and is looking for a sign. Next when talking of his ideas, he states, “Thoughts are but coins.” He seems to now think that all his great thoughts and ideas used to diffuse the attacks of doubters in his debates are nothing. These many debates seem to have affected his faith, looking further readers will see that he may have started doubting God with all these draining ideas soaring through his mind. He only wants to trust God and stop reasoning his way into salvation. C. S. Lewis seems to want the simple Gospel he once believed before the wave of uncertainties crashed over