
An Hour Thesis

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Jodie Rowlands Professor Heffner English Composition II 12 February 2023 Womanhood and Freedom in “The Story of an Hour” Introduction Thesis statement: In “The Story of an Hour”, Kate Chopin uses imagery, connotative diction, and tone to convey the complexity regarding women’s freedom under a patriarchal society. Supporting Topic #1 Topic sentence: Chopin’s use of imagery via Louise’s changing physiological state expresses her simultaneous distress and newfound liberation due to her husband’s death. Evidence for supporting topic sentence #1 (with citation): “She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment,” and “when the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone” (Chopin, par. 3). Evidence for supporting topic sentence #1 (with citation): “Now her …show more content…

11). Evidence for supporting topic sentence #1 (with citation): Cunningham details how “Chopin pays a great deal of attention” to the “strain placed upon her[Louise’s] physical system by the various shocks--the surprise of her husband's death, the grief that this news brings, the realization that her life is now utterly changed, and the understanding that this change is quite possibly for the better--that sweep over her” (par. 6). Supporting Topic #2 Topic sentence: Chopin’s selection of lexis with juxtaposing connotations further exemplifies Louise’s convoluted emotions regarding the tragedy of her husband’s death and her simultaneous acquisition of autonomy. Evidence for supporting topic sentence #2 (with citation): The phrase “monstrous joy” displays concurrent negative and positive emotions respectively (Chopin, par. 12). Evidence for supporting topic sentence #2 (with citation): Chopin describes that one person controlling another, whether with “a kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime” (par.

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