An Overview Of Secondary Planning In Ontario

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The concept of the city has always been preceded with visions, goals and objectives. In Ontario, this vision is guided by the Planning act which issues provincial policy statements to control land uses. The municipality's responsibility is to determine the future of their community through the preparation of planning documents which enable planning decisions. This includes both the Official City Plan and zoning by-laws (The Planning Act). Adopted by Council in 2002 (Toronto Official Plan 3-5) Toronto’s Official Plan is a vision for the city as a whole. Toronto however has distinctive neighborhoods. Consequently, Secondary Plans were created specifically for each neighborhood outlined in the Official Plan (5-9). Even though the Secondary Plan …show more content…

The strength of the Secondary Plan implementation lies in the public realm. As soon as one enters the gates of the Area he begins to be aware of its history. This is due to the implementation of policies within item 3 on Heritage. Overhead bridges, pipes and chutes as well as equipment have been restored and are continuously maintained. This reflects the industrial heritage and assists in the historical interpretation of the area (King-Parliament Secondary Plan, 15). The quality and character of Trinity Street is maintained through the closed vehicular access as was outlined in item 7.3. The limitation on mechanical penthouse and HVAC equipment is quite successful. With this policy, the majority of the restored buildings are perceived as originally intended (King-Parliament Secondary Plan, …show more content…

Pure Spirit Condominiums located within the Mixed Use Area 1. Its design also addresses the principles on heritage outlined in the Secondary Plan. It is sympathetic in its massing, programming and materiality, addressing policy 3.5 which states that new buildings are to be designed in a manner which respects and complements the heritage character of the Area (King-Parliament Secondary Plan, 15). The Secondary Plan specifies that the massing of new buildings will provide a transition from from the historic buildings in Mixed Use Area 2 with the highest building being located adjacent to parliament (King-Parliament Secondary Plan, 27). In its design, Pure Spirit Condominiums uses the podium and tower typology. The podium housing retail programming is a continuation of the north elevation line created by the Cooperage building. This creates a seamless transition from the old to the new further showcasing the success of some aspects of the