1.1 Analyze theories, principles, and models of learning. 500 words minimum. Within education, there are different approaches and practices which support teachers to enhance their delivery, engage, and motivate students and understand how people learn. Teachers need first to understand and then apply teaching models, principles, and theories, which will support creating engaging, meaningful, and effective teaching sessions. The learning environment should be inclusive, and designed to meet individual learner needs, preferences, and preferred learning style. Learning theories that are applied in teaching practice include Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Humanism. In addition to the theory of how we learn, there are principles, how teaching is …show more content…
We often refer to this as a preferred learning style. Over the years, various models have been developed by both psychologists and academics with the aim to support teachers in understanding how we learn, and how a teacher can ensure that information is presented and shared to ensure learning is retained. Through both understanding and applying these methods, a teacher can adapt their style to suit the preferences of the learner and how they learn best. This also supports in removing barriers to learning and supports the whole learning experience of the learner. Teachers can create an inclusive learning environment through planning teaching that incorporates a variety of learning activities to support their preferences. A well-known and popular model is VARKS by Neil Flemming, introduced in 1987 and designed to support students and others learn more about their different and individual preferences for learning. Auditory – learners with this preferred style learn best by hearing information, for example lectures, listening to recordings, music, or reading out loud. They are usually good at remembering instructions and information they have been told. Kinesthetic – These are individuals that learn best by being ‘hands on’, touching and doing, being able to practice in order to learn is important to a Kinesthetic learner. Reading and Writing learners – They would prefer to be able to read information that is displayed as text, make notes, read textbooks, and make lists. Visual – They will learn best by seeing. Visual aids including videos, handouts, illustrations, graphic displays, diagrams, are all helpful to a visual learner. Another model is Honey and Mumford – Learning Style Theory. The theory is a simplified model of Kolb’s learning styles – Diverging (feeling and watching), Assimilating (watching and