Essay On A Rich Man Is Rich

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Many people are judged on their social class or economic situation based on what they wear, how they act, or what they have. If someone has the newest Cadillac car or the newest pair of shoes they are assumed to be “rich”. However, this may not be the case as shown in Adam Smith’s quote that, “every man is rich or poor according to the degree to which he can afford the necessaries, conveniences, and amusements of human life.” To this extent, a “poor” man can be rich if he enjoys life with what he has. A “rich” man can be poor if he does not have any friends or family that he can be with. Essentially, money does not determine if someone is “rich” or “poor”, but rather the satisfaction a person gets from an item determines this. Although money …show more content…

This is present in ‘On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner where it talks about him being homeless with his dog and the challenges they faced on a daily basis. At the end of the experience, he learned two lessons. The first is to take what is needed and to get rid of items with no value. As Lars Eighner said,” A thing I cannot use or make useful, perhaps by trading, has no value however fine or rare it may be”(___).The first thing I envisioned was a person who makes a lot of money and how they have so many items but do not make use of them, unlike some other less fortunate people. I notice that people with less income tend to get goods that they enjoy and use often. There is more satisfaction and value for items they purchased which makes them seem as rich as those with a lot of items they may not use as much. In some situations, someone with less income may be “richer” as they are receiving more satisfaction with their earnings and how they spend it compared to a higher income household where they may buy items they barely use. This quote symbolizes how items that are not useful or benefit someone have no value even if it cost