Analysis Of Altruism

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Huntington Blackard Dilution, Deduction and Agreement Altruism is defined differently through schools of psychology. There is no monolithic approach relative to the varying definitions held by each field. Examination of altruistic action mandates a universal definition. At a basic sense, most researchers agree Altruism is a beneficial action for another organism at the cost of the acting organism. It’s paradoxical to use an economic paradigm to explain the cost/benefit analysis. The contradiction is exemplified in the need to maximize utility while minimizing use of resource for oneself. The formula utilized in economics is founded upon egoism dogma. Altruistic actions, in the grandest since, are inherently selfless. When utility is derived …show more content…

The professors nod in agreement. “Phil, altruistic actions occur without intentionality or concern of others welfare, maybe even just for the sake of our own wellbeing. And Bio the routine behavior proves a mutually beneficial cycle therefore more of a cooperative behavior that you call reciprocal altruism”. Behave goes on “ I’m not sure why Altruism is in your vocabulary Bio, but I digress, I think you both are right in a way. I believe altruism to be a common casual relationship with strong reciprocity. Illustrating that altruism is what creates strong reciprocity, therefore creating a exponentially redundant cycle that becomes more founded every time an action describe as altruistic occurs.” The above dialogue describes how behavioral altruism develops deduce universal definition, in which it dispels if altruistic actions are pure in their own since. The last except attributes altruism as a motivating factor behind the action rather than labeling the action itself as altruistic. The digression through the different definitions helped stripped away threshold on each definition and reiterated the complex composition of what motivates us can not define the action. However, the post analysis wether measured in reproductive fitness, outcomes of psychological states, or cost to the agent, envelop how motivations are comprised of deterministic functions to attain goals wether altruistic or egotistic. “Everyone is concerned with themselves, It is only I that is concerned with me”. - unknown