
Analysis Of Angie Thomas The Hate U Give

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A person shouldn’t be afraid to live or shouldn't question if they are worth less than others. In the book, by Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give, Starr becomes afraid of the justice system as well as asking herself if her friend is going to have justice. She sees from the view of her white classmates that the death of her friend may not have been has important to them has it was to her. In the following text, the information that should motivate people to make a change is how the world was with racism during the 1900’s. In addition to this, there will be details about the activist that did their best to change the minds of others. This will be followed by how racism is still in our lives, but how they are trying to change it. First, slavery was a terrible time for …show more content…

Happily, just like in the book with Justice for Us, started a movement called Black Lives Matter. “You can destroy wood and brick, but you can't destroy a movement.” (409, Thomas) A movement is not a building that can be taken down, but a bunch a people with the same motive to change the mind of the world. The movement started on July 13th, 2013 to fight against the murder of Trayvon Martin. Angie Thomas is a proud supporter of the movement and thinks it’s powerful that the people involved with the movement not only fight for their rights, but also fights for others like the Muslim who are now being targeted. In addition to the statement made previously, she also debated that Black Lives Matter is not an anti-cop movement. All lives matter, it’s just that right now black lives don’t matter enough. In the book, the community fights the injustice of Khalil’s death by rioting. This is not the best way to fight, but it has brought the attention of the media. The book is based on the story that the author lived with in while she was younger in Georgetown. In general, racism still exists, but nations worldwide are fighting and will keep fighting till it's

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