Analysis Of Are Blacks Names Weird Or Are You Just Racist

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Vaughn Pemberton
A sophisticated examination is necessary to completely comprehend the correlation between Cultural Studies theory and Goldie Taylor's article "Are Blacks' Names Weird or Are You Just Racist?" The various facets of Cultural Studies theory will be examined in this essay along with how they relate to the issues and arguments made in the article. It is important to pay particular attention to how language and naming influence cultural identity, and how this links to current racial and racist concerns in society.
Culture is a dynamic, contested area where many social and political forces compete for control and influence, according to the central principle of Cultural Studies theory. Culture is a dynamic area of social activity …show more content…

According to Taylor, the names given to African-American children frequently serve as symbols of their parents' goals and should be honored and treasured as such.
It is important to think about how language and naming influence cultural identity in order to comprehend how Cultural Studies theory and Taylor's theories relate to one another. According to the Cultural Studies idea, language is a strong social and political force that impacts how we think about ourselves and other people, not just a neutral medium for communication. The use of language is frequently the focus of fierce political and cultural conflict because it is so closely related to problems of power, representation, and …show more content…

Since the time of slavery and the forcible migration of African people to the Americas, there has been a long and complicated history of the use of African names and naming customs. African names were frequently taken away during this time and replaced with European names in an effort to erase cultural identity and uphold white supremacy. The adoption of African names and naming customs can be viewed in this perspective as a potent gesture of defiance and struggle against the enduring effects of racism and enslavement.
The use of African-American names is still a hotly debated topic in modern society. Some contend that these names are a manifestation of cultural pride and resistance, whereas others see them as a hindrance to assimilation and social advancement. However, as the theory of Cultural Studies argues, the value and meaning of names are not set in stone or predestined but are instead the topic of continual debate and