Analysis Of Arts Integration Professional Development Outcomes For Individual Teachers

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The purpose of the study by Scripp and Paradis (2014) was to determine if arts integration professional development outcomes for individual teachers are positively linked to student arts learning and if measures of student’s arts learning predict enhanced overall academic performance. The methodology used was a multivariate design framework featuring the development of survey, interview, and performance assessment instruments which were used to document and rate multiple aspects of individual teacher and student performance. A series of correlation and stepwise regression analyses were conducted and demonstrated statistically significant links between teacher professional development outcomes, student arts and art integration performance outcomes, …show more content…

The teacher combined professional development factor, in particular, most highly predicts student achievement, thereby establishing causal evidence that the program impacts student learning. Students from treatment schools with focus in the arts scored significantly higher on arts learning assessments than did students form any other type of school. Students from treatment schools with academic focus scored the next highest. The high degrees of association among a sequence of program outcomes suggests that predictive links do exist between professional development and student learning outcomes in the arts and in academics. Researchers acknowledged the need for methodological experimentation in order to develop better research practices to measure teacher and student success as a result of program interventions. Future studies can build on the multivariate data collection and analyses to document and assess a broad range of arts and arts integration teaching and learning practices and further validate the relationship between quality professional development and student learning …show more content…

The discipline specific cadre model formed a collaborative environment that was frequently cited as the single most important component of the professional development in this study. Teachers reported a better understanding of their discipline, the content standards, student learning and planning. The greatest limitation noted was the time constraints as a barrier to professional growth. These included time to meet with others, time away from school to do visits, and time away from family for assessment retreats. Findings indicated interest in ongoing collaborative programs to impact student learning but further research is necessary to determine the long term effect of participation on student learning. Continuing the model would require restructuring the school day to allow time for intense planning and collaboration and a commitment from administration and policy makers to implement systemic change would be

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