Analysis Of C. S. Lewis Meditation In A Toolshed

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“Meditation in a Toolshed” Analysis When given the choice to interpret a situation externally or internally, which is the valid choice? In C. S. Lewis’s essay, “Meditation in a Toolshed”, he describes the two different points of view when forming an opinion. These two viewpoints consist of “looking at” and “looking along.” The former involves an external and detached understanding, while the latter describes a personal, internal, and attached experience. Is one of these options consistently inferior to the other? C. S. Lewis answers these questions and more as he uses structure and devices to explain this complex idea and allows his reader to incorporate this belief into their relationship with the Christian God. To aid the reader with completely grasping this controversial topic, Lewis utilizes multiple metaphors to demonstrate the advantages of both viewpoints. For example, when observing a savage, one records his participation in a fertility ritual. However, in the mind of the savage, this …show more content…

However, a biased opinion does not indicate a false opinion. Experience and observation are depended on each other in order to gain knowledge. To the people who consider looking at to be the best and only option, Lewis states, “If you will only step inside, the things that look to you like instincts and taboos will suddenly reveal their real and transcendental nature” (1). Only considering one point of view can cause someone to be misled which leads to narrowmindedness. One point of view may be inferior depending on the situation but this is not always constant, and both should be considered to develop the most informed understanding. To fully consider both views, “we must start with no prejudice for or against either kind of looking” (Lewis 2). Prejudice will create false interpretation of a viewpoint which also results in