Since the beginning of times, rulers from all cities all over the world would create laws that everyone is to follow, to ensure they know who their ruler is. this law code is not an exception.
Although it is said that this document was written, edited, and translated by George bell and
Henderson Hernest F and was published by a publishing house with the name of George bell and sons situated in London England in 1896, it is also mentioned that the original author of this law code is Charlemagne, a Christian Roman emperor that ruled from 800 to 814. I think this document was rewritten because the wanted to make it more clear for a wider variety of people.
This document is essentially his royal ordinance, hence the title;
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this capitulary was written only a couple of years after Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of
Rome. It is mentioned that the law code was written because Charlemagne wanted to better the original law code by making it more religious in hopes to convert his people to Christianism and make the kingdom his own. Furthermore, he just generally wanted everyone to live by law and right, in justice and in peace. I also believe he was trying to send a message to his people that he is in charge and that this is now his kingdom so everyone should have the same beliefs as him. As we can evidently see in his law code, the ruler and the church were in close relations. It was even mentioned that no living soul shall ever prevail against God or any Christian individual and quite a few of his bylaws state that no one shall do wrong in a church. Additionally, to making
Christian laws, Charlemagne gave generous amounts of money to the Catholic church, which only improved their relations and on top of converting people to his religion and protecting the church, he also did a lot to promote church-based education in his Roman