Analysis Of Cinderella And Princess Culture

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In the New York Times article “Cinderella and Princess Culture,” Peggy Orenstein investigates princess culture in today’s society. Orenstein is a successful writer for the New York Times and has published a best-selling memoir. In her investigation into the growing phenomenon of princess culture, Orenstein discovered that large companies, such as Disney, turn a substantial profit by selling costumes, dolls, and various princess themed must-haves. She argues that the princess hysteria sweeping the nation is not teaching kids life lessons, but rather further stereotyping little girls. Orenstein is a feminist herself as well as a mother. She has seen her daughter succumb to the princess craze and has reached a breaking point. Her argument fails …show more content…

Orenstein’s introductory claim is that there is a princess trend causing negative effects on girls. She supports this with Disney’s profits off of the princess mania. Nevertheless, this started as a supporting point for Orenstein, but as she digs deeper into the Disney story it proves her claim wrong. Andy Mooney, a respected Disney executive and the brain behind marketing princesses, refutes her claim by stating that participating in the princess trend as a child does not have deteriorating effects later in life. He explains it is merely a phase in a child’s life. In addition, Mooney says that girls expand their imagination and aspirations by envisioning themselves as princesses (Orenstein 329). By including Mooney’s quotes, Orenstein rebuttals her own argument successfully which significantly weakens her claim. Furthermore, she includes an excessive amount of information regarding Mooney and Disney. She details Mooney’s story for more than a page. It complicates her argument and is unnecessary to proving her initial claim. After refuting her claim, she further clutters her article by making a completely new claim that is unrelated to the princess trend. She says, “There is evidence that young women who hold that most conventionally feminine beliefs... are more likely to be depressed than others and less likely to use contraception” (Orenstein 329). This point is irrelevant to her claim. Her final paragraph fails to provide clarity, summarize her initial argument, and is overall pointless. The use of evidence that does not support or relate to her claim creates a confusing and weak