Analysis Of Elizabeth Bishop's 'First Death In Nova Scotia'

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The written task is linked to part four of the course, Literature: Critical Study. I decided to write a memoir from Elizabeth Bishop 's perspective, referring back to her first experience with death. The memoir is based upon details from her autobiographical poem "First Death in Nova Scotia”. In this poem, Bishop reflects the innocence and confusion of children about death. She imagines her young cousin, as a white doll, waiting to be painted. In this task however, I will explore how mature Bishop remembers all of the details of the event. This task intends to explore further details and aspects of the poem. It will enable me to explore a potential link between Bishop and her mother. I felt that the context and details given by Bishop in the poem keeps the reader asking for more. The task attempts to look at an alternative narrative perspective; older Bishop will have more insight and be wiser to give a mature description of the events. I chose specifically to write a memoir as it enables me to let my imagination run wild, while still remaining true to the details provided in the poem. The intended audience for the text is people with an interest to Bishop 's works and literature in general. People who, like me, wanted a full story of the tragedy, a further explanation of what happened. Bishop 's poems are indeed deep and meaningful while also intensely relatable. Memoir It was the beginning of a new year, and the city had already been painted white by now and the