Analysis Of George Orwell's Animal Farm Society

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Many startling similarities exist between the Animal Farm society, as George Orwell present it in his book, and the American society of yesterday and today. When the author wrote the cynical short novel, published in 1945, he intended it to be a satire of the Russian Government under Stalin 's command, but it can also be applied as an allegory for some of the more corrupt aspects of the politics, government and class of the United States. In Animal Farm, there was an obvious distinction between the "white collar" workers (ie., the pigs) and the "blue collar" workers (ie., the rest of the animals). In America there is also a definite separation between the management and the nameless workers. In the story, the pigs sleep comfortably in the farmhouse while the other farm animals labor in the fields, build the windmill or engage in other manual drudgery. The pigs, particularly Napoleon, accept the accolades when things go wonderfully, while the rest of the animals, whose hard work produced the few successful occurrences on the farm, remain unacknowledged. In the United States, the management also receives all the praise and most of the revenue if the company is profitable, while the blue collar workers, who are in fact responsible for the prosperous times, remain unknown (Think about the acclaimed corporations in America, like Microsoft and Disney, whose CEOs and leaders are rich and famous. Now think about all the people those corporations employ. Are all those people rich?