Historical Context The Gospel of Luke has no explicitly specified time that is was written. Some say between 58 and 65 AD, while others say as late as 70 to 90 AD. While they may not agree on the time, Luke’s gospel is widely viewed as the most meticulous and detailed, including many facts that the other authors failed to include, as a result, it is also the longest. Luke collated his information from a variety of sources and tried to come to more logical, reasonable and accurate ways of personifying Jesus. He was a known companion of Paul and is also said to have written the Acts of the Apostles. He is also recorded to have taken into consideration a lot of eye-witness accounts and opinions. Historians say that Luke was most likely a physician …show more content…
Throughout his gospel, Jesus is depicted essentially as a humanitarian and a teacher. It shows him in the light that he helped the poor, aided the sick and ill and taught in a more philosophical way. It is also important to note that Luke took a rather more mindful way to writing his gospel because he was writing to a more educated audience (particularly throughout Greece). In view of the fact that he was addressing a more knowledgeable society, there were a lot more political and cultural concerns present throughout his gospel. Overall, Luke took a more holistic view to the society at the time and his gospel is a lot more ‘polished’ than the others which appeals to the more educated reader. Literal …show more content…
It is significant to us today, particularly if we are feeling lost, misplaced or astray. It shows us that we are always welcome in the Church to learn and love. Especially if we need to take some time away from friends, family and our busy social lives occasionally to reconnect with our God. Luke positions us in the passage as a sort of overseer of the events that unfold. It helps us to understand the position of both Jesus and his parents. In modern society, if we were in Mary and Joseph’s position we would be extremely concerned for the safety of our child. But as Jesus, and children, we have the amazing ability to adapt to situations with ‘not a care in the world’ because we are intrigued by the new experiences but we also feel warmth, especially within the church, as if everyone belongs and is loved in God’s eyes. However, if we were to not take the passage literally but metaphorically, or on a deeper level, we can understand that, without faith and trust we are lost. We need to learn to embrace challenge and adversity, and accept a fact that may or may not be what we currently perceive as ‘truth’. Just like Mary and Joseph had to learn to accept the abilities of Jesus, we need to accept ourselves, others and the mysteries of our