Analysis Of Is Google Making USupid, By Nicholas Carr

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For almost two decades, Google has surely been the top dog of search engines on the worldwide internet. Beginning as a research project by two college students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, called Backrub, Google has now become the answer to all questions. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it accessible and useful. According to Nicholas Carr’s article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” he states that our use of the internet has serious effects on the way we read, think, and live. Carr’s struggle along with his friends who he’s said are experiencing these same struggles, seem to be putting the blame on the internet for their lack of attentiveness, when there can be other underlying issues other than excessive use of the web affecting your brain. In Carr’s article he explains that he is a writer and the internet has become very useful to him over the years. However, he’s noticed that his attention span has shortened to where it’s difficult for him to focus on a lengthy piece of writing. Carr describes his troubles by stating that he finds himself unconsciously skimming through the text instead of thoroughly reading word for word. Carr quotes Maryanne Wolf, a developmental psychologist at Tufts University who says “We are how we read.” Wolf worries that the style of reading used by the internet, is a …show more content…

With the way the world is moving along and progressing your options are getting smaller and smaller to stick with old ways. The way of the world waits for nobody and technology growth is something that will continue to stick around for many years to come. The individuals who have not come to an understanding with what technology such as Google can do for you eventually will. Technology is like time it’s something that will not stop and will continue to expand it’s just going to take others a little longer to get accustomed to

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