
Analysis Of Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston's Farewell To Manzanar

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“I had nearly outgrown the shame and the guilt and the sense of unworthiness. This visit, this pilgrimage, made comprehensible, finally, the traces that remained and would always remain, like a needle.” The text Farewell To Manzanar, written by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston, embellishes Jeanne’s experience while being placed in an internment camp. Jeanne’s family faced with various obstacles through the process of being evacuated from their home to living in an internment camp. Throughout the text, Jeanne also explains how her life was full of hardships compared to how she perceived the lives of Caucasians.. Though the American Government was afraid that Japanese-Americans were potential saboteurs, there’s no justified for interning them because it was not equitable to blame a whole society on a small portion action’s, the families were not equipped with the proper care and attention, and the Japanese-American children were faced with racism that they could not withstand. After the Pearl Harbor attack, the whole Japanese-American group now had to endure the consequence, even though they didn’t partake in the crime. In the text, Jeanne states, “To the FBI every radio owner was a potential saboteur.” Several Japanese would make their living by fishing, although, the American Government assumed that any Japanese American that was in possession of a radio was in contact with enemy ships. The American Government began to question many men, which began
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