Review Of Katharine Kolcaba's Comfort Theory

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Katharine Kolcaba is a nursing theorist born in Cleveland Ohio. She has many years of experience throughout the medical field that include: medical surgical nursing, long-term care, and home care nursing. She eventually received a Ph.D. in nursing from Case Western Reserve. Kolcaba has many published works and most importantly she developed a nursing theory that deals with -nurse-provided comfort (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2011). Throughout this paper the author is going to explore Kolcaba’s comfort theory by looking at the aspects of humanity involved, central concepts, how it effects everyday nursing practice, and the authors own personal experiences that relate in their own experience and nursing philosophy. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary …show more content…

The theory is very easy to understand and easy to incorporate daily. Looking over the four assumptions of the theory two of them sticks out to the author the most, “Human beings have a need for comfort and will seek comfort wherever possible. Secondly nurses are in a position to identify the comfort needs of their patients, design comfort measures, and assess outcomes to support enhanced comfort” (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2011, p.127). The author believes that many nurses are more than likely already incorporating the Comfort Theory into practice without even knowing. Nurses want their patients to be as comfortable as possible. The author believes if they spent time ready over Kolcaba’s theory they will would gain even more knowledge to provide their patient with better care in the aspect of …show more content…

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