George Herbert's Explanation Of Love (III)

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The poem of Love (III) by George Herbert, is a lyric poem that takes place with the persona who is entering heaven. The persona shifts feelings in the poem because it deals with a relationship between him and the Creator. It starts off first, as if the persona is unworthy, sinful, and dusty, and he should not enter heaven. Yet, Love tells the person that he should, and the way the word “love” is used is to describe God. The person mentions he cannot see Love (God) because he does not deserve to, and he should go to hell. But Love (God) poses a rhetorical question towards the person mentioning that Love has served the high price for the persona sins. This poem emphasizes the truth of the relationship between the Creator and the created, and the rhymes in the poem rings for the relationship presented in this situation. For “who made the eyes, but I” (Herbert, line 6) the word eye and I echo each other, and it implicates the relationship between looking and the eye. The eyes were made for looking and looking upon the Creator. Then another, word that also applies this rhyme is “marred” eyes, and this also means to look at love (God), but this is to look at the Creator with joy. Lastly, the persona accepts the invitation and consumes the …show more content…

Yet, the writer’s intentions are to make the audience feel as if they can connect to this lyric piece. For, the opening line starts off with “love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back” (Herbert, line 1). This indicates how we human feel unworthy of love from God and knowing that we our sins we do not deserve this mercy God gives us. This is pointed out when the writer says, “But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack” (Herbert, line 3). This refers to the persona that has grown poorly due to the decisions that he or she made throughout their