Analysis Of Lysistrata By Aristophanes

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Introduction The purpose of this essay is to investigate the women’s role in Classical Greece society and literature (5th/4th century b.C.). Therefore, I decided to discuss and analyse one of the most controversial comedies of that time, “Lysistrata” by Aristophanes. This text shows how women, sick of their submissive and powerless position in the political scenario of Athens and Sparta, come on the scene and, through a smart stratagem, achieve their expected result. Women’s power in the play contrasts the real women life’s conditions in Greece in 500/400 b.C. This sudden empowering of the female characters is the main reason why I have chosen to examine this comedy. The analysis will be focused on the figure of the women in the play and the contentious ideology of the author. The instruments used to explain the women’s political and social position and the unique linguistic choices made by Aristophanes will be the feminist theory and the social factors that influence a language. Summary of the plot The Peloponnesian war (431 b.C. – 408 b.C), fought between the two main Greek cities of Athens and Sparta, appears endless to the eyes of the Greek citizens. Especially women are suffering from this exhausting conflict, since their husbands are permanently on the battlefield. Lysistrata, a middle-class woman and wife of one of the Athenians soldiers, decides to hold a meeting with all the women within the Greek territory and discuss a way to end the terrible war afflicting