Analysis Of Orwell's Animal Farm

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Abstract:- As the western influences of capitalism, existentialism and individual crisis in the times of the world wars, flowed into the arena of Eastern theater, adaptation of ancient, Elizabethan or modern works explored new vistas in the contemporary socio-political situation of 20th and 21st century India with the help of ancient ideas. This paper will try to access the development of western themes in front of the Indian backdrop in some Bengali adaptation. As "Poshukhamar", an adaptation of Orwell 's "Animal Farm" hinted at the hypocrisies of the contemporary communist government, "Nandikar"s" production "Nero" in recent times plays similar role, in showing the censorization of freedom of expression by Nation, through the characterization of Seneca. The crowd desperately searches for the protagonist after her physical death in "sopnosondhani 's" production "Antigone"; symbolizing as a search for an individual who can revolt against the prevention of establishing individual rights by the nation. In this particular production, two men roams about among the awaiting crowd outside the theater, holding a picture of a girl putting up her hands in the fear of gun, begging mercy. This doesn 't only breaks the fourth wall most brilliantly, but this picture from Palestine also hints at how national political power in the form of the gun threatens individual right of living and at the constant surveillance on freedom of people in the middle East. Two men wearing similar masks