Analysis Of Prejudices Against People Of Color By Lydia Maria Child

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Lydia Maria Child wrote “Prejudices against People of Color” it was written in 1836. When slavery was one of the biggest issues with the United States. There was a big separation on those who were for slavery and those who were against. Lydia was a woman ahead of her time who wrote that even when slavery is abolished this is still a lot of racisms and human right issue with how African American are treated. Even when a slave is set free they still do not have any rights they are treated like they are less then human.
She wanted this as a public document because she wanted to educate them about the ignorance of racism, slavery and separation of people. An argument that she brings up in the document is one about how people of different races …show more content…

He was a free African American man who just couldn’t stand that idea of slavery. He wrote this document for other colored people that were slave in hope to get them to understand that this should not be the way of life. You can tell by what he wrote that he has seen some of the horrors that was put upon them. He writes about the mistreatment that they have been through, the way the white people view colored people. That they are not seen as men he writes “Are we MEN! -I ask you, O my brethren! are we MEN? Did our Creator make us to be slaves to dust and ashes like ourselves?” (Walker p.246) You can read the passion that he has in the statements that he makes in this document. You can tell that he wants them to fight for their freedom, the rights of every living thing, the right to be called a man. That they are not just property to be used, sold and to make money for the white man.
When these documents were written America was still growing and discovering new land. Slave owners were making a lot of money off of them as they worked the land and mines. There were still a lot of people for slavery. With America still, a new country the government wasn’t easily going to give in on this issue, they would lose a lot of support and it would divide the country. But people where still coming forward with how wrong and immoral slavery was. These are two documents that were written in hopes