Analysis Of Purple Hibiscus

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Post colonial Literature is a body of literary writings that reacts to the conversation of colonization. Post colonial literature often involves writings that deal with issues of decolonization or the political and cultural independents of people formerly subjugated to colonial rule. Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus, part of the third generation narration is concerned with the identity of the modern African woman in the 21st century. Chimamanda Adichie is one of the prominent contemporary Nigerian women writers. She is dynamic and writes from a feminist perspective. Her novel usually deals with the social, cultural, traditional, economical and mental conflicts of women. Adichie presents real life situations in her novels. Adichie succeeds in creating characters that negotiate hybrid identities defining selfhood. She wants woman to realize herself through self analysis. Such a quest for one’s own identity forms the theme of her novels. Purple hibiscus reflects the theme of identity. In the home culture each female is exposed to a fixed identity, but when she moves outside her home life. She is able to develop her own values from the world views of his parents. Purple hibiscus is a coming of age story for the central characters Kambili. The novel is narrated by Kambili about her struggle to attain her self- identity. This paper focuses on the search for self identity. The novel aims at discussing the divergent problems encountered by Nigerian women in the patriarchal

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