Analysis Of Quotes From The Book Thief By Marjane

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Memorable Quotes “We didn't really like to wear the veil, especially since we didn't understand why we had to” (p. 3). The Iranian regime was extremely oppressive; they told people what they could wear, who they could worship, and controlled what they heard. This quote is just one example of the oppression Marjane faced as a child. Even though Marjane does not know why she has to wear the veil, the government makes her anyways as a means to showcase the power they have over everyone. "’Children, tear out all the photos of the Shah from your books’” (p. 44). Because of the change in power in the Iranian regime, the school children are ordered to remove the photo of their past leader, the Shah, from their books. This shows how the education …show more content…

105). This quote employs imagery to help the reader visualize the measures Iranian families had to go to for a little protection. Although the curtains are unlikely to do much help in the event of a major bombing, Marjane’s mother hangs them up anyways. This shows how desperate families are for any sense of security and protection. “Her mother had already abandoned her. Since that day, I've had doubts about the so-called ‘maternal instinct” (p. 107). When a bomb went off, Marjane’s Aunt thrust her baby into Marjane’s arms before running to safety. This is a powerful quote because it forces the reader to recognize the strength of the fear felt by Iranian families. A mother and daughter relationship and bond is something the reader is likely familiar with, making this quote all the more powerful. “’If anyone ever asks you what you do during the day, say you pray, you understand?’” (p. 75). While Marjane had a strong relationship with God early in the book, by this point in the novel she had banished him from her life. However, although Marjane’s family is not religious, they have to give off that appearance that they are because not praying is a punishable crime. This quote is significant because it shows the extent of the Iranian government’s power over the