Analysis Of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

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Ralph Ellison wrote Invisible Man as an ode to his people - some of whom had suffered from numerous instances of outright racism, and some whom who were deceived into believing it wasn 't around them until it was too late. Invisible Man brings this to light through Ellison 's rhythmic ways of writing, using contrasts of the most nonsensical experiences to the most directly phrased realities. Ralph Waldo Emerson, named after Ralph Waldo Emerson, related thoroughly with the narrator in Invisible Man. The book is almost autobiographical in a way, Ellison intertwines narratives of the gross treatment he and his colleagues had to endure. Ellison was brought up in the South, similarly attending university in the manner of the narrator and making his way to New York to find a job to return back to this university. Although perhaps not experiencing as dramatic of encounters as the narrator in the book, there is a clear idealization of so-called trustworthy figures was true to Ellison 's life. The way Ralph Ellison uses his story has a pattern, like a melody. He uses hyperbolic situations with grand excitement, often times preceding a normal, daily action. Ellison believed that art and protest had no dichotomy, that just like the jazz music he loved, a story should have intense scenes that kept the audience interested and others that let the audience loose. Much like the fluidity of the character Rinehart in Invisible Man, "Jazz improvisation encourages the crafting of something that