Rene Descartes’ “Discourse on the Method” focuses on distinguishing the human rationale, apart from animals and robots. In which he does so by explaining how neither animals, nor machines lack the same mental capabilities as a human. For Descartes distinguishes the human rationale apart from non-humans, even though he does agree the two closely resemble each other because of their sense organs, and physical function (Descartes, 22). However, it is because the mechanical lacks a sufficient aspect of the mind that makes it necessary for them to be equal with humans. Throughout Descartes “Discourse on the Method,” he argues that the significant differences between humans and the mechanical is their limited ability to respond to the world from …show more content…
Lastly, in regards to if we have already constructed a that possesses an authentic mind that meets Descartes’ ‘line’, I disagree that we have yet to achieve reaching the construction of a system that is similar to the human rationale. The Reason is because humans have yet to comprehend what the Mind completely is. Furthermore, we have lack the understandings in all aspect of the mind, and its divisions such as subjective, intentional, and normative forms of intellect. However, these are only categorization that leads to a multitude of concepts that are recognized as marks of the mental (Smith, 2016). Since we lack sufficient knowledge of comprehending what is necessary to mimic the human mentality, we cannot affirm or agree how to build an AI that reaches this limit. For let us say one day we do obtain all the necessary information to understand the human mentality, how do we program human intelligence into an objective form of artificial intelligence when the human psyche itself is subjective. An additional issue is humans learn and understand the world from individual experiences. In which, how would it be possible to create a form of artificial intelligence that could learn the same way. For it would require authentic interactions with the world and other people, rather gaining knowledge by itself or from social media. More so, creating a form of intelligence that can learn to meditate on its experience rather recognizing them as a formal notion of past tense occurrences. Lastly, there is the problem in creating an artificial intelligence that doesn’t merely interact with the world on a functionalist basis, but rather freely choosing to interact with the world at its own leisure. For this is the problem with semantically driven AI, they don’t interact with the world rather they react to it. Hence, given there is a multitude of issues in understanding of the human mentality, I highly disagree we will ever be able to create a form of artificial intelligence that