Analysis Of Renee's Room In The Kill, By Emile Zola

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The Kill, written by Emile Zola, exploits the tale of the forbidden love of adultery and incest between the main characters Renee and her adopted son Maxine. The interior of this book I choose to analyze is Renee’s bedroom, which is a representation of her curious and sensual mind. The author describes Renee’s bedroom so well, painting a perfect picture for you to image: “A large pink and grey bed, whose wood work was hidden beneath padding and upholstery, took up half the room with its flow of drapery, its lace, and its silk figures with bouquets falling from the ceiling to the carpet” (150.) “The bed seemed to stretch out till the whole room became one immense bed, with its soft white carpets, bearskin rugs, padded seats, and stuffed

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