Analysis Of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken

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It all started when I was about seven or eight years old. My mother use to read me the beloved Frost classic, "The Road Not Taken" (Frost, The Road Not Taken 131)every night before bed. Even today I can still picture the universe that was created with every sentence she read. That poem was my life, I made it my lifework to take that so called "road not taken" and it helped me become the person I am today. "I took the road less traveled and that made all the difference." (Frost, The Road Not Taken 131) How can I describe Robert Frost 's poems to you? That is like asking me what my favorite Disney movie is. How can I describe the bulk of my childhood? It is nearly impossible! From my point of view Robert Frost 's poems hold a plethora of detail that spark your imagination allowing you to explore the world or scene his poem has created. It helps you leave the stress and worries life may bring you, it helps you relax and leave this world if only for a second. Robert Frost uses vivid details that can make a pile of green leaves sound magical. “Because it was grassy and wanted wear;" (Frost, The Road Not Taken 131) He can also make you think about how the world could end, as evidence by "Fire and Ice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice." (Frost, Fire and Ice 268) Robert Frost has a way with painting pictures in your head. He can take a short topic or phrase and make a magnificent poem that can move you to tears. He can