Maher Zain's Lyric Analysis

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Music is said to be the language of emotions. A song is a relatively short musical composition for the human voice (possibly accompanied by other musical instruments), with feature words (lyrics). Lyrical analysis for classification is a relatively new area of research. This descriptive qualitative research discussed about Semantic Emotion in Maher Zain’s Lyric. Lyrics are typically analyzed as part of a music classification task, where songs are classified by genre, mood, or emotion. The research aims to find how semantic emotion of Maher Zain’s Lyrics was represented in his songs. There were seven songs of Maher Zain which were taken randomly as the source of the data. By using the theory of Shaver as the tool in analyzing the lyrics, it was found that there are twenty nine love emotion, fifteen joy emotion and nine sadness emotion in seven Maher Zain’s songs. The songs are about, regret, family and love. It was also found one kind of emotion that was not included in the kinds of emotion based on the theory of Shaver namely grateful. The dominant emotions that used in Maher Zain’s song is love emotion. By knowing the semantic s emotions of a song people could be more understand about the meaning and the purpose …show more content…

Emotions are sometimes expressed facially, but not all facial expressions indicate emotions; neither a grimace of pain nor a frown of puzzlement is an emotional expression. Emotions also involve feelings, but not all feelings indicate emotions; neither hunger pangs nor a feeling of certainty is an emotional feeling. Most people would readily agree to these assertions. They involve more or less clear cases. The question posed in this paper is whether we can establish, on the basis of such clear cases, a set of criteria that will also differentiate emotions from non emotion in less clear