Analysis Of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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Everyone has a different set of criteria when they decide whether a piece of writing is good or not. I have my own criteria as well. Although there are so many elements that influence an impression of a piece of writing, I narrowed it down to three; Is it open to various interpretations? Is it easy to understand? Is it realistic? These three are the most important factors when I evaluate a novel or a movie. Based on these criteria, I think Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery’ is a good story. First, ‘The Lottery’ is open to diverse interpretations. Some people might wonder why this is a standard for a good writing. I believe that art (novel, movie, music, drawing, etc.) is completed when its artist and its audience work together to develop its meaning. Each individual relates to an artwork in unique ways and I believe through this process, the artwork comes alive. However, while there are artworks that are appropriate for this, some artworks are not. ‘The Lottery’ falls into the former category. To begin with, the story lacks information. It sounds like a weakness, but it isn’t. As ‘The Lottery’ is a short story, the author doesn’t expound each and every detail. There is a ‘vacuum’ in the story, but it is a desirable vacuum. It leaves a room for diverse imaginations, accommodating an active participation of its readers. For example, the author doesn’t give much information about the lottery or characters. All we know about the lottery is that it is an old tradition that involves