
Analysis Of Status Anxiety By Alain De Botton

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In the 2004 book, Status Anxiety, by Alain De Botton, the point is argued that the main role of humorists is to convey controversial messages and opinions through humor and irony that otherwise would be impossible to state. This principle of discussing such topics through an articulately written ironic satire is exhibited beautifully in Slaughterhouse Five. The author, Kurt Vonnegut, displays satirical irony juxtaposed with a level of humor to elegantly let the audience know of his viewpoint without seeming tendentious and desiring to shove it down their throat. The role of humorists addressing taboo topics is of a vital importance for societal purposes, being that it allows for a light to be shone where others choose to tread lightly, and …show more content…

His use of satirical irony, by portraying Billy as a gawky sorry-excuse-of-a soldier, also paints the picture that he is not so enthralled by the idea of making war seem glamorous and that sometimes there are no war hero’s, but rather each and every party involved is guilty of losing something. Subsequently juxtaposing this is his subtleness with death and him muttering the same simplistic, otherwise meaningless phrase “so it goes,” after each departing. This is combative with his theory against war and therefore helps solidify his stance on the issue as seemingly indifferent, and illustrates that death to him is a part of daily routine and bears no significance. This then allows the audience to feel as if they are independently and uniquely forming their own impression and truth about the realities of war, as given the information from an unbiased source. The unique viewpoint taken by the author allows for him to slyly impregnate your opinions with his perception, it gives the illusion of free choice, and as a result conforms the audience to his stance. Perhaps if he had taken a bit more of a strong view on the subject the audience would have felt forced or and almost pigeonholed in to a verdict, and likely would not have been so willing to conform. Therefore, the method of satirical irony is the most advantageous way for the author to sway your beliefs in his

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