
Analysis Of Tea Cake By Zora Neale Hurston

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Tea Cake knew he had to win Janie love and that she wasn’t going to give in that easy even though Tea Cake is independent as Joe and is willing to take care of his wife also. When Janie went to Everglades with Tea Cake they had setup a house together and she stayed at home and he worked planting beans (Caldwell, Tracy M). “Tea Cake unlike her previous husband he treated her equal” (Caldwell, Tracy M). They got along well as all her other husbands, but they weren't her type or didn't pay her enough attention or just treated her wrong. Tea Cake was the man of her dreams but he hurt her feeling when the money she had pinned to her shirt was gone. She kept quiet about it until he got home the next week when he was supposedly going to get breakfast but didn’t come rite back home. …show more content…

He slowly tells her when he seen the money he was over excited and bought all the men that work on the railroad with him macaroni and a chicken dinner. Tea Cake lowkey brags about the dinner turning into a party with all the food and music jamming and Janie gets a little mad because she was not invited. But Tea Cake says he will pay her back everything he took when he go play’s cards he tells her he’s kinda nice with the cards. Tea Cake goes through a lot to get the money back he even gets cut from someone who lost a card game once or twice. While Janie waits on Tea Cake to come back with the money he comes in the house stumbling with the little wound from the razor. Janie asks what happens and he tells he just a little altercation with a loser in a game of cards nothing major. Tea Cake goes in his pocket and brings out the three-hundred and twenty dollars he won and give’s it to her now Janie have more trust in Tea Cake now. Since Janie got trust she believes she should tell him about the twelve hundred she has in the bank saved

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