Analysis Of The Article 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

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The first article I have chosen to include in my project is Pain Relief can Spiral into Addiction to Prescription Drugs which was published on CNN. This article tells about the amount of deaths caused by prescription drug abuse, and also the most prevalent ages where people are abusing prescription drugs. The most commonly abused prescription drugs are codeine, oxycodone, morphine and many others mentioned in the article. It tells how people who abuse prescription drugs sometimes believe it is safe because the pills they are taking are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This article also mentions that older adults that take medication for pain can easily become addicted because they will start being treated and end up needing more …show more content…

This article talks about the court case where George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black 17 year old, Trayvon Martin. The jury was all women, of which 5 were white and 1 was a minority. The jury took 16 ½ hours to reach a verdict and Zimmerman was named innocent in the case. He was almost emotionless when he heard the jury’s verdict. The jury didn’t believe that Zimmerman had intentionally acted to kill Trayvon Martin, and they also didn’t believe he was guilty of killing Trayvon from ill will, or evil intent. Society has had many disagreements with the verdict the jury decided to make and have been posting threats to Zimmerman. Society has also believed this to have been another case where race was an issue and Zimmerman had killed Martin because of his race, and that the jury, which was a majority of white, ruled Zimmerman innocent in the case because he is white and Martin was …show more content…

This article talks about how gender stereotyping is all societal and culturally impacted on what gender stereotypes children adapt. The article mentions how parents and society are more acceptable with girls being “tomboyish” and wearing clothing that would typically be classified with males, and playing with toys that are also typically classified in the boy category. According to the article, children become aware of gender stereotyping much before we ever think they could even understand it because sometimes even two year olds are aware of the stereotyping of genders. In the article it mentions having only one parent, and the gender of that parent can affect what gender stereotypes the children of that parent will pick up. For example, the article states “If a boy has a father that is the primary carer, who does the majority of parenting, the boy will incline towards this kind of behavior”, so the same may be true for girls with only a father as a caregiver. The article doesn’t clearly state that, but we can assume the same would occur for girls in the same situation and that they would lean to adapt the “boy” gender stereotypes. Parents need to not force gender stereotypes on their children and try to be accepting of the gender stereotypes their children adapt, because they are just

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