Analysis Of The Asexual Visibility And Education Network Community

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Asexual Visibility and Education Network Community: “Prude! What are you a nun/monk? There is no way you do not like sex, you are just selfish!” We propel the word “slut” or “fiend” around as a degrading identifier for those who are “too” sexually active, but we also bastardize the ones who are not. Did you know not experiencing any sexual attraction is an orientation? The term is called asexuality. An asexual person is a person who does not experience any sort of sexual attraction. Do not get them wrong, asexual others have the same emotional wants and needs like everyone else with the ability of creating intimate relationships: They just do not desire sex. The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) community bring light …show more content…

They were created with two main objectives of action: aiding in furthering the growth of an asexual community, and generating public acceptance and discussion of asexuality. Ever since the birth of their establishment, the Asexual Visibility and Education Network has grown to host the world’s greatest in size asexual community. AVEN now serves as a means to information for others who are asexual and questioning their friends and families, academic researchers, as well as the press. Members of this network community around the world, actively join in visibility projects. These visibility projects often include leading workshops, speaking to the press who are interested, distributing informational pamphlets, and arranging local meet-ups/meetings. The AVEN community centers around the web forum, which provides a safe space for the asexual, while questioning others and their friends, families and partners, to discuss their experiences and life trials with this sexual …show more content…

Celibacy is to choice as asexuality is to orientation. Celibacy is a lifestyle choice that chooses to abstain from sex even with sexual desires. Asexual people do not have sex because the desire for sex is nonexistent. Adding to that, “Many asexuals do not consider themselves celibate, as they are giving up no more in abstaining from sex than a gay person is by abstaining from sex with someone of a different gender or a straight person is by abstaining from sex with the same gender.” Also, because asexuality is so uncommon and abnormal to most, some asexual others fall astray and leads them to have sex which in turn, cancels their life choice to celibacy. Some asexuals may personally be opposed to the thought of having sex themselves. Others do not mind having sex, regardless of the absence to any sort of sexual attraction. The manner of behavior that asexual people may carry does not exactly reflect their orientation. Asexual people only make up a shocking one percent of the population. Because this community is so scarce and can be seen as rare, many of them still decide to engage in activities of sex for many reasons but nonetheless still are considered asexual by

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