Analysis Of The God Of Intimacy And Action By Tony Campolo

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After learning about God’s view on injustice, people should be inspired to take action. In the book The God of Intimacy and Action: Reconnecting Ancient Spiritual Practices, Evangelism and Justice, Tony Campolo (2007) shares that, “if you are empowered by the Holy Spirit, you will be sensitized to Christ, who is mystically present in the poor and oppressed, waiting to be loved and served (Campolo, 41). Before people can intervene, they must first expose the violence and deception that has occurred. The first step into exposing deception is getting the facts about who was behind the oppression, what coercion was used, and what is the claim to legitimacy (Haugen 162). However, getting these pieces of information from the victim is sometimes difficult, and might even be uncomfortable and dangerous at times, but they must work through these times if they want to serve justice against the evil party. Along with getting the facts, people have to be very intentional in asking the right questions that will hopefully add the needed support for the facts of the case. The perpetrators of injustice will continually lie and deny that they are guilty, and then try to convince others they are innocent. However, by asking these questions, advocates can form a strong defense against these lies, and use them to try to dissuade others from believing the oppressor’s lies as well (Haugen, 168-169).