Analysis Of The Join Or Die Cartoon Of 1999 Apush Dbq

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By the eve of the Revolution, the colonists had a good idea of their identity and unity. Though, it did take longer to form an identity than to create full unity in the colonies. This was set back Mostly because of the jealousy or accusations between the colonies, but after the fight for their freedom began, they learned to trust and help one another. The colonies soon realized during the fight for their freedom from Britain that without uniting together, they would never stand a chance. Yet, they also had a growing sense of this during 1754 -the French and Indian war- when Benjamin Franklin created the "Join or Die" cartoon (Document A). Franklin almost demanded unity in this cartoon because without an American/British victory over France and the Indians, they would not have the chance to fight for their own nation against Britain later. Therefore, the thought of a unitized nation, as a whole, would have been among the colonists for a long time. …show more content…

Meaning they were able to form their own governments, appoint leaders, form groups, etc. Because of this, Edmund Burke wrote his speech including the text "Govern America as you govern an English town which happens not to be represented by Parliament. Are gentlemen really serious when they propose this?" (Document B). This shows Burke had the idea of just 'guiding' the colonies as best as possible. Simply because he knew that, without the ability of firm control, the colonies would do as the pleased. Mathers speaks of a "tyrant 3,000 miles away" (Document D) trying to enforce a more strict rule on the colonies. He does this by ordering the Intolerable Acts which only causes the colonies to unify even