Introduction The Outsiders is a novel written by S.E Hinton in the first person point of view: that of Ponyboy. The novel follows the conflict between the Socs and the Greasers, two different groups of boys from different classes of society. Ponyboy struggles to fit in throughout the book, juggling right from wrong. While in the church hiding, Ponyboy recites from memory the poem, ‘Nothing Gold Can Stay’. Nothing Gold Can Stay is a short poem written by Robert Frost. It seems fitting for him to recite this poem at this point; a point in the book where there is deep sadness. Johnny has just killed Bob, and the greasers are in hiding. Johnny has cut some of Ponyboys ‘tuff’ hair and dyed it blond, as a disguise from those who recognized him before the murder. …show more content…
This gives you the first indication of how he truly pictures the world. The world to him was black and white, a world of only the Socs and the Greasers. It is at this point Ponyboy is realizing that the world is more than black and white; it is a full spectrum of color. Other references to the “beautiful sunsets “and “I liked my books and clouds and sunsets” and “clouds changing from grey to pink” help you realize his struggles with good and bad. While at an all time low, Ponyboy recites the poem in its entirety to Johnny. The fact that he has memorized this poem shares with you just how much he has struggled. When he finishes reciting the poem, Ponyboy confides in Johnny that he would not have been able to do such a with any other gang member except his Brother, Soda. Johnny reasons that it was because they were different. Nothing Gold Can Stay