Analysis Of The Passing, Quicksand By Nella Larsen

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Nella Larsen was born April 13 , 1891 . She went to school at the University of Copenhagen in 1910-1912 , Larsen also went to Fisk University in 1907-1908. Nella Won many awards the Guggenheim fellowship for creative arts in the U.S & Canada and she won many more awards. Larsen wrote book too just to name a few of her books there is The Passing , Quicksand , & The Nella Larsen Collection . She went by many names through her life Nellie Walker , Nellye Larson , Nellie Larsen then Nella Larsen . Nella’s Mother is Danish & her father is a West Indian man of color , her family was ashamed or her because of her color , 1912 Larsen enrolled in a nursing school in New York’s Lincoln Hospital, She graduated from New York's Lincoln 1915. Larsen moved to the South to Tuskegee & later became the head nurse at a training school , she also met Booker T Washington model of education & became in love with it. In 1919 she went back to New York & married Elmer Samuel Imes a Black Physicists & she published her first book in 1920. Larsen started working as a librarian . Nella gave her librarian job up and became an active writer in literary community , she published Quicksand in 1927 it did not make a lot of money. So she published another book “Sanctuary” a short story but she was accused of copying somebody else book , it was false but she was so hurt about the situation she never wrote again. …show more content…

She tried to contact her caucasian side of her family did accept her . Nella also battled the fact that she was a female & not only that she was mixed . She won a award for Harmon Foundation Bronze Medal for

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