
Analysis Of The Return By Odysseus

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Have you ever been on a long aventure to a faraway land? Your journey to your destination is a way to learn how to survive in the wild or how to tie a knot or even learn something mentally like a life lesson that will stay with you your entire life. During Odysseus’ journey back to Ithaca he learned to be nice to the gods or how to defeat monsters. In Gone and Back Again it gives tips on what to pack and how to make the most of your time. And in The Return Kamau learns a life lesson of not expecting change to wait for him while he was gone. The journey matters more than the destination. The journey matters more than the destination in the Odyssey because Odysseus learns life lessons and tests his survival skills. Trapped in the cyclops's cave Odysseus is able to learn and improve survival …show more content…

The Return states “ His wife had gone. And little things that had strangely reminded him of her and that he had guarded all the changes waiting for his return.”(page 655) Kamau learns a life lesson that he shouldn’t have expected for everyone waiting for his return. The journey can matter more than the destination because he learn to not expect changes to waiting for him and now he can forever keep that in mind. The Return is about a character named Kamau that returns to his home only to realize his family thinks he’s dead and the one he cares the most about left him. The Return states “ Why should she have waited for me? Why should all the changes have waited for my return.” (page 655) Kamau was on a journey to reach his home and be welcomed by everyone he loved and return like nothing happened. Unfortunately he realizes that he shouldn’t have expected everyone to wait for his return, so journey matters more than the destination because Kamau learns something

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