Analysis Of The Signalman In The Signalman

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“What has happened to us in the past determines what we take out of our daily encounters in life” In Dickens’s The Signalman, the interaction between the signalman and the narrator dominates the whole plot. From their first encounter to the final dismissal, bits and pieces of the signalman’s haunting experience in the past are slowly disclosed through their conversation and description depicted by the narrator. Very interestingly, this two-night adventure also affects the inner thoughts of the narrator which makes him nearly falls from his rationality. Therefore, I would like to discuss how the weave of traumatic events distorts one’s memory as revealed in narrative voices and conflicts. Dickens uses third person narrator to tell the story. Especially when the narrator describes himself to be ‘intelligent, vigilant, painstaking and exact’, he reports a lot of genuine side of the signalman in an objective way. So through the role of commentating and interviewing, we can see how the signalman’s life has been shadowed by the two tragedies he has witnessed before. The description made between the first impression of the signalman and the feeling given after the signalman has shared his story with ‘the specter’ to the narrator is very similar. Before engaging in any conversation, the signalman is referred as ‘a dark sallow man, with a dark beard and rather heavy eyebrows’. Already does it suggest how his life of being a signalman has shaped him with a gloomy appearance. The