Analysis Of The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

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It all make sense now. Ever wonder why African American Men don’t go to the doctors or go get check ups? I personally think it’s because of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that starts out as a sore but goes on to potentially kill you. Syphilis includes also tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, and insanity. This experiment made African Americans distrust medical attention back then in 1932 and now today in 2017. This experiment affected many African American males and their families.

Flyers started popping up around poor African American counties in Alabama claiming that the Public Health Service (PHS) had special treatment for Colored people. Most of these men were sharecroppers who were poor and illiterate. Hundreds of African American men signed up with their families. They were promised free meals, free medical care, free rides to and from the clinic and free burial insurance. It was all good to the African Americans but what they didn’t know was they were test subjects. …show more content…

Men that were injected with the disease wasn’t told that they were infected. They were just told that the had bad blood. The experiment was to see if syphilis killed African Americans the same as white people. The doctor's theory was that whites suffers from brain damage while infected with syphilis and African Americans suffers from heart problems. Men that had syphilis were never told they were infected. The doctors weren’t going to treat the infected patients. Patients were left to suffer from the disease. They had basically got their data from the autopsies. Doctors said that they didn’t care about their patients just their