Greed In Literature: A Literary Analysis

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Greed is existent within all individuals despite how generous and altruistic one can be. Because of how commonly greed is seen in society, many authors have instilled selfishness as a part of literature for ages and still continue to do so. Thanks to this narrow-minded understanding everyone withholds, author such as Thomas Hardy, Tom Godwin and Shakespeare, present this self- centered understanding in a unique approach during the olden times. Although the past stories carry the same message quite thoroughly as did before, author such as Charles Bukowski are capable of exhibiting the same message in reach of his own poems. While going through the decades of literature, modern authors are now able to explain with scenarios society is able to relate to. Despite being a common topic, selfishness itself has evolved throughout the many years, …show more content…

Aircraft pilot, Barton, was simply performing his daily tasks and a pilot, until an unexpected guest had appeared. As the prior orders were given, the pilot was expected to execute any individual that suddenly shows regardless if any crime has been committed. In this case, a young girl, Marilyn, had arrived on the aircraft to meet her brother as soon as possible since she was unable to meet him numerous years. Although his conscience inferred forbidding him to kill her, he knew he must endure the pain by following the protocol and obeying the rules. Ultimately, the pilot indirectly declared she must end her life in order for the greater good to save “the six men waiting for the fever serum” (Godwin 6). Understandingly, she agrees when providing the explanation of how she would rather “go alone” instead of taking “seven others with” her (Godwin 6). An aspect of guilt was inevitable when realizing Barton had killed an innocent young girl to save others, although he considered himself responsible effecting in the countless