Analysis Of Uncle Tom's Cabin, By Harriet Stowe

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin, one of the most famous novel in the 19th century written by Harriet Stowe, has significant historical meaning in the American Civil War. Without flowery language, Stowe used the form of story, which everyone could easily understand, to expose the evil of slavery. Firstly, for a better understanding of one book, learning its special historical background would be an excellent method. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is written before the American Civil War. Before this period, the Northern states and Southern states already have a huge contradiction in slavery for a long time.Though, in the U.S.'s Deceleration of Independence has clearly stated that “All man are created equal”. But whether African American should be counted as people or …show more content…

Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin has post the slavery problem, which is being ignored by Americans, back to public. The ideas of abolitionism in this novel have convinced so many people to join the battle for freedom. Furthermore, Stowe’s anti-slavery idea has combined the love principles of Christianity, which makes the ideas more easier to get the support of the readers. For example, Eva, a little girl who willing to love everyone around her, is an important characters beside Tom. While reading the novel, the readers will feel shame because her behavior makes all adults’ action look evil and baffling. She is not selfish of her love at all. Though she didn’t be taught about morality, her actions still can use to illustrate the Christianity’s love principle. Because all her actions are done by her simple principle, a children’s trueness principle, without the “evil” social pressure, which shaped many adults into slavery owners. Finally, The characters in the novel are designed to illustrate different kinds of people in the society. And their story can also be applied to the readers during that time period. For example, St. Clare is one of the unpredictable characters in the novel. Readers can view him as a slavery owner in

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